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Educação Já Caravans – Pernambuco (PE)


Following the purpose of, in addition to inserting Education on the political agenda, also making it a priority in the next governments, we arrived in Pernambuco for another stop of the Caravans Educação Já.


In Recife, we have the presence of the main managers and politicians of the state, such as: Paulo Câmara, governor; João Campos and Frederico Amâncio, mayor and municipal secretary of Education of Recife, respectively; Danilo Cabral, Miguel Coelho and Raquel Lyra, pre-candidates for the government of Pernambuco and Alexandre Hand, from the team of pre-candidate for governor Marília Arraes.

We also visited the Mércia Maria Bezerra Costa Municipal School Daycare, the Professor Paulo Freire School of Educators Training in Recife, the Recife Education Technology Center (CETEC) and the Peace Community Center (Compaz).

Finally, we talked with students and teachers about Pernambuco Education and its main challenges at the Vozes na Escola meeting, which this time was at the Ageu Magalhães High School Reference School.

See photos of our visit to Recife (PE):