Privacy Policy And Use Of Cookies – Todos Pela Educação

The personal data of users of the Todos pela Educação website are processed in accordance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data – LGPD (Law No. 13.709/18) and considers the interest of the user, the purpose for collecting the data and the time for the treatment.

Personal data are those that refer to an identified or identifiable natural person and are used by Todos Pela Educação to:

  • the identification of donors for the fulfillment of legal and regulatory duties and for the time necessary for this purpose;
  • sending informative e-mails, upon interest and consent of the holder user, for the time of activity of the TPE;
  • the identification and communication of users who use ‘Contact us’, through the interest and consent of the holder user, for the time of activity of the TPE;
  • and the purposes described in the use of cookies.

Use of Cookies:

The Todos Pela Educação website receives and stores personal data from its users through the use of cookies.

Cookies are identifier files that are stored on the user’s computer or mobile devices through the internet browser (browser). These files allow, for a certain period, the website to “remember” the actions and preferences recorded on behalf of the user.

The use of cookies exists so that the user, when returning to the website that he has already visited, does not have, in principle, to indicate his navigation preferences again (language, font, form of visualization, etc.) and they can save data such as IP, browsing profile, among others.

Most users’ browser programs are set to automatically accept cookies, although it is possible to configure the browser to refuse part or all of cookies. When accepted, on a next visit to the Todos Pela Educação website, the internet server will recognize the user’s computer or mobile device.

The Todos Pela Educação website uses cookies:

  1. Session: expire when the user closes the browser.
  2. Persistent: remain on the user’s computer even after closing the browsing session until it expires. They can also be removed by the user following the instructions in the web browser’s help file.

The purpose of the use of cookies by Todos Pela Educação is analytical, that is, statistical analysis of navigation in order to improve users’ experience. This data only leaves the computer after two months or when the user removes the cookies from the hard drive.

  1. Tracking (from third parties): created by other companies, they are recorded on the user’s computer and allow to save some information, including browsing habits, for later use, such as digital marketing.

The companies that use these files through the Todos Pela Educação website are Google (TAGs) and Facebook (Pixel/Goodbros). Both claim to be committed to the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/2018).

[ ] I agree with the use of cookies.

The data collected will also be treated to meet the legitimate interests of Todos Pela Educação.

The user will be able to access, correct, update and delete their personal data, as well as revoke their consent to the use (processing), at any time, by accessing “Contact us” and submitting their request.

Data security and confidentiality are extremely important to Todos Pela Educação, which values ​​information security and seeks improvements through new technologies and the training of all those involved in the activities.

Todos Pela Educação reserves the right to change this information without prior notice, in accordance with current law and regulation, and remains in constant improvement of governance in privacy and data protection. Therefore, we recommend that you consult our policy regularly, so that you are always up to date.

[ ] I agree with the Todos Pela Educação privacy and data protection policy.