Educação Já: Agenda for Minicipalities

The path to lift up our country and make Brazilians prosperous begins in the municipal administrations, the cradle of Education. To support the municipalities in the difficult tasks that await them, Todos Pela Educação launched an unprecedented movement to support the 5,568 mayors. This special page gathers everything that managers and educational teams need to make a plan for quality Education!

Educação já municipalities panel

This tool helps managers analyze data and plan municipal education

To support the mayors and inform the debate, Todos Pela Educação maintains the Educação Já Municipalities Panel. The online platform organizes educational data from all Brazilian cities and can also be used by civil society to monitor local Basic Education.

Can education count on you?

Here, Priscila Cruz, Executive Director of Todos Pela Educação, talks more about Educação Já Municipalities, an unprecedented initiative they launched to support Brazilian municipalities in overcoming their educational challenges.

Despite the challenges, it's time to plan, recover, and move forward!

Click on the orange markers on the map and watch the videos sent by Mayors and Municipal Education Secretaries, and check out what the municipalities are doing for Education in Brazil.

Technical documents

Ecucação já municipalities

To avoid setbacks, structuring educational policies must be on a public manager's radar. Check out the 2021–2024 public policy recommendations

Back to class recommendations

Safe return to in-person classes and learning for all students are the guiding points of this document that offers 25 recommendations for reopening schools

Educação Já municipalities webseries

14 renowned experts in the areas of Basic Education and public management discuss municipal managers' chalenges."

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