
The Todos pela Educação website was designed and developed in order to offer maximum autonomy, security and usefulness to all people, especially people with disabilities.

The accessibility of the pages follows the international web accessibility recommendations of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) through the WCAG 2.1 document (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or Accessibility Guidelines for Web Content).

The website has its accessibility approved by automatic validation - through the use of software - and by manual validation carried out both by the Goodbros team of specialists and by a test team composed of people with disabilities. In this way, we offer a unique website usability experience, respecting the particularities of each person.

The bar at the top offers some important features for a better experience:

Shortcuts to main content, menu and footer;
100% keyboard navigation with visible focus;
search field

The website was also prepared with some quick access keys, to work as a shortcut and thus facilitate navigation. Just type the following commands:

ALT + 1, jumps directly to the beginning of the main content of the page;
ALT + 2, jump directly to the top of the main menu;

These shortcuts can be used in Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers.
In Firefox, there is a small difference: you must simultaneously press Alt + Shift + the corresponding number. In Opera, the key combination is Shift + Escape + corresponding number.

In any browser, you can also adjust font sizes using the following keyboard commands:

Ctrl + "+" (plus sign), increases the zoom on the screen, enlarging fonts and images, up to 300% or 500% (depending on the browser);

Ctrl + "-" (minus sign), reduces the zoom on the screen, reducing fonts and images, up to 25% or 30% (depending on the browser);

Ctrl + 0, returns to the default size of 100%.

Although the web pages passed validations, we believe that website accessibility is an ongoing activity. For this reason, we offer a communication channel in the main menu called “Contact”, where you can send your comments about your experience on our pages. If you encountered any difficulties or would like to share any suggestions for improving our accessibility, send us a message.
