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Educação Já Caravans – Pará


Knowing the importance of an electoral year, even more so crucial for changes, we are traveling through Brazil to insert Education as a priority on the national political agenda with the Caravans Educação Já. This time, we went to Pará and talked to the main politicians and agents who work in favor of Basic Education in the region.


We met with Helder Barbalho, governor and pre-candidate for the state’s reelection; Elieth de Fátima, State Secretary of Education; Major Marconi and Senator Zequinha Marinho, both pre-candidates for state government; Edmilson Rodrigues, mayor of Belém; and from the municipal secretary of Education: Márcia Bittencourt, secretary and Araceli Lemos, general director. We also had a special meeting with Lília Melo, coordinator of the Belém nucleus of the Conectando Saberes Network and one of the best 50 teachers in the world.

We also held Voice of the School and listened to the challenges and ideas of students and teachers from EMEF Bento Lima De Oliveira, located in the Quilombola Africa Community, in Baixo Moju, a rural area of the state.

See photos of our passage through Pará