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Educação Já Caravans – Maceió (AL)


Continuing with our goal of inserting Basic Education on the political agenda in a year as decisive as this one, our Caravans also passed through Alagoas, seeking to mobilize future public managers, local leaders and the population so that, together, we can achieve a Quality audience for all Brazilian children and young people.


In Coruripe and Maceió, we promoted conversations and debates with some politicians and pre-candidates: Paulo Dantas, governor (MDB); Rui Palmeira, pre-candidate for state government (PSD); Rafael Brito, Movimento Avança Mais; Marcos Beltrão Siqueira, Municipal Secretary of Education of Coruripe; Renan Filho, former governor and pre-candidate for the Federal Senate (MDB) and Rodrigo Cunha, Senator and pre-candidate for the state government (UB).

In addition to the politicians, we were also at the Djalma Barros Siqueira State School to debate and hear about the challenges of local Basic Education.

See photos of our visit to Coruripe (AL)