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Datafolha: 98% of public high school students want training options that prepare them for the job market


Almost all young Brazilians (98%) who are currently in high school in public schools want a school that prepares them for the job market and 9 out of 10 would like to choose an area to deepen their studies during the stage, while only 1% states that he would not be able to choose an area to deepen in the last stage of Basic Education. In addition, the vast majority believe that technology can improve learning and 2 out of 3 young people want to attend Higher Education. These are some of the highlights of an extensive opinion poll commissioned by Todos Pela Educação in partnership with Fundação Telefônica Vivo, Instituto Natura and Instituto Sonho Grande, carried out by Datafolha between February 8 and April 18 of this year, with national representation. , regional and for each of the 27 Federation Units (check the survey of your state or DF at the end of the page).


This document will be translated soon.

For Gabriel Corrêa, leader of Educational Policies at Todos Pela Educação, “young people from public schools want a school that prepares them for the job market and opens doors to Higher Education. In other words, they want a school that expands their range of opportunities, that offers choices that allow them to follow different paths in life. Re-signifying this stage should be a major priority for the performance of the next administrations, both in the federal government and in the states.”


“Enabling initiatives that develop digital skills for students and educators is a necessary agenda to make the school a more connected space with the market and attractive to the student. When the themes are connected, we begin to see clear improvements in the learning of basic content, a decrease in school dropout and, consequently, an increase in the employability rates of young people”, explains Americo Mattar, CEO of Fundação Telefônica Vivo.

The survey also points out that young people intend to continue studying after completing high school. 65% want to go to college (36% just go to college and 29% work together), although data from the IBGE show that only 24% of young people aged between 18 and 24 are in higher education. In addition, 22% of students want to take a technical course after high school (12% just take a technical course and 10% combine it with work).

“The ongoing curricular changes, brought about by the so-called New High School, need to be improved and implemented by the next administrations, along with other structural factors, such as the expansion of full-time schools, the appreciation and training of teachers, advances in infrastructure and in school management and the support given by the Education Departments to schools”, adds Gabriel.

Another interesting number concerns the Full-Time High School. Overall, more than 80% of young people see the likelihood of studying in schools with the same characteristics as full-time as high. “The development of Protagonism and the Life Project are two key aspects of this model and that draw students’ attention as they are curricular components that better prepare them for the future while taking into account the personal experience of each one. It is no wonder that one in three students who already study in Integral Education considers that Projeto de Vida is their favorite characteristic”, highlights Ana Paula Pereira, executive director of Instituto Sonho Grande.

“Full-time Secondary Education is a policy whose curricular proposal and pedagogical approach is based on the centrality of the students’ life project”, says David Saad, director-president of the Instituto Natura. “Evidence shows that its impact goes beyond improving student learning, causing positive effects in areas such as security and economics.”

See below for other research information.

Full-time High School

High school students who study in full-time schools are more satisfied with the school than those enrolled in regular-time schools. They demonstrate this in the evaluation they make in several dimensions, such as the learning being useful for life, the quality of the classes and the safe environment. A significant part of integral education students (73%) also reinforce that they feel greater support from the school to think about their next steps and prepare for the future, while in regular education this reality is 57%.

The importance of teachers for the quality of education

The relationship with teachers also appears as an important aspect of school success in the opinion of students. 79% agree that they have had a teacher who helps them build their dreams, although 49% believe that teachers are not recognized and valued by society. In the spontaneous and multiple responses about what is most important to improve the quality of high schools, the quality of the teaching staff was the most cited option, appearing in 29% of the responses. Although students recognize the centrality of teachers for quality learning, 46% point out that they do not always have all the classes, due to the lack of teachers.

Evasion and work

Students were also asked about school dropout and dropout, phenomena that intensified due to the pandemic and the long period of school closures. 17% of students think about stopping going to school in the six months prior to the survey. Of these, 48% say the reason is the need to work. Another 17% claim stress or tiredness.

Another data shows how much students are divided between studies and work. Among public high school students, 32% work outside the home. Among those who work, the main reasons are: 71% to have financial independence from their parents and 20% to help their family financially.


The survey reveals that 94% of students agree that the use of technology in classes can help improve the quality of the school, even though access to it is not yet a reality for everyone. 43% of students disagree that the school has computers with internet access for classes. At home, the most widespread access to the internet is through cell phones, which 98% claim to have.

The study used a quantitative methodology through a personal approach in the proximity of schools. The survey had national coverage, respecting the distribution of students based on Inep data. The margin of error for national data is 2 percentage points. In addition, the survey allows statewide reading of the results for all Federation Units.

The complete data at the national level, as well as by Federation Unit, can be consulted here:







Distrito Federal


Espírito Santo



Mato Grosso Do Sul

Mato Grosso

Minas Gerais






Rio de Janeiro

Rio Grande do Norte

Rio Grande do Sul 



Santa Catarina

São Paulo

